Friday, October 31, 2008


Carey, Caitlin, and Alexis getting ready to go trick or treating in their neighborhood. We had a blast!
A visit with MawMaw and GaGa before the evening began.

Caitlin doesn't quite know what to think every time we sit her on the ground. Should I just sit here or cry seems to be her thoughts.

Here is our precious little flower. As we were trick or treating, Caitlin was smiling and laughing at everyone that passed by. She also was moving around quite a bit in my arms. One lady called her a "wild" flower and that name stuck. So, here is our little wildflower.

Friday, October 10, 2008

New and improved Caitlin....

Caitlin is now feeling much better, thankfully. She's still getting breathing treatments about twice a day. One way I can tell she is better is she is so much more active. She's been keeping me on my toes the last couple days. Let me give you the scenario of this very morning. Caitlin and I were sitting on the floor in the den watching Mickey Mouse, which is her favorite. I was thirsty so I decided to go get something to drink. I was in the kitchen maybe twenty seconds and when I came back, she was gone. And I mean gone! My heart immediately skipped a beat. I looked in her normal hiding places - under the swing, under the dining room table, next to the trashcan, behind the recliner. Nothing! I went in the bedroom and looked around. Still nothing so I came back and looked in the first places again. I was getting a little more nervous. I called her name, but didn't hear anything. I went back into the bedroom and our bathroom. There was our sweet little girl sitting on the floor in the bathroom playing with her bath toys. No problem with her! I scooped her up and headed back to Mickey Mouse! Thankfully I am not one to have meltdowns as this would have been the time for one. :) Needless to say, we have now barricaded the way to the stairs and bedroom. You will see how we turned the pack-n-play into an obstacle in her path!

Caitlin playing in her pack-n-play, the unconventional way! It works though! We put it between the recliner and the fireplace and she can't get around it....yet!
Loving on Daddy before he left for an Abbeville football game today. Go Panthers!
Laughing at Daddy and being a sweet girl! She loves giving a goofy grin these days.
Gnawing on a carrot. This was a few days ago when she wasn't feeling well. You can see it in her eyes. She was grumpy and I discovered this would make her content for a few minutes.
Look mom, I can do a split. Caitlin is very flexible. Just ask anyone who's seen her crawl around and then sit up with one leg under her and one straight out. She got this from her MawMaw!
The more mobile Caitlin! She is exploring something new all the time and can get to things faster than I can most of the time. Except Daddy did get to his drink before she managed to scramble to get it off the floor - he now knows that putting your stuff on the floor is not safe!
Being cheezy and showing off her six teeth!
Our precious gift from God! We are truly blessed!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Change of weather blues....

I took Caitlin to the doctor yesterday. She started out last week with sneezing. Then she added a cough and runny nose. Then I noticed yesterday morning that she was wheezing when she got up from her nap. I made her an appt to see Dr. Hughes, which we love. She was still wheezing when we got to the office - you never know with kids...they can be deathly ill at home, but take them to the doctor and they seem to miraculously be fine! Anyway, they tested her for RSV, a respiratory virus common this time of year, and thankfully it was negative. She ordered a breathing treatment there in the office. Caitlin was not thrilled with this process at all! She screamed during the entire time. I just had to hold her and try to keep her from wiggling out of my arms. Needless to say, when the doctor came back in, Caitlin and Mommy were both sweating! The wheezing cleared with the treatment which is good. The doctor sent us home with a nebulizer machine to do our own treatments here at home. She also gave us some cough medicine. Because of all of the congestion, Caitlin didn't want to drink her bottle. I did everything I could think of to get fluids in her - gave her a popsicle in the bathtub, fed her small ice chips, fed her jell-o, tried to give her juice. I gave her a breathing treatment before bed, but she still wouldn't take her bottle and was so sleepy. I just put her to bed and said I'd feed her in the middle of the night if she woke up. She slept until 7 this morning and I finally got her to take a bottle around 8. By this time it had been 18 hours since her last bottle! Today, she has take three bottles. She wouldn't take juice out of a sippy cup so I spoon fed it to her. She also had more ice chips and jello. She's had more wheezing today and some that didn't clear with a treatment. I ended up giving her another half of a treatment and got some advice from my dear friend Lawrie who has been a respiratory therapist for, uh, let's just say a long, long time! My parents came over tonight and she was playing with them. They even brought dinner! She's continued to play through most of this. I had to keep her from crawling up the steps today, climbing on the fireplace, unplugging the TV, and eating the heater cord! I've managed to keep us all in one piece. Lee was great with her and even offered to watch her so I could go out. While that was a sweet gesture, I was too tired to get in the shower and get dressed! Anyway, here area couple pictures of her getting her treatment and the little panda bear nebulizer machine. They sure have come a long way with these! Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we recover from these change of weather blues.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Play date

Caitlin had her first play date today. Leah and Nate Wilson came over. They come to our church and Nate is only two days younger than Caitlin, although he was due a month before her. He's a handsome fella as you can see and has the most adorable face. Caitlin was excited to see him from the time they arrived. They played and played. You should have heard them both laughing as Leah held Nate and I held Caitlin while they both jumped up and down, over and over. It was adorable. Nate is infatuated wtih electrical cords at this time so he was quick to try to find some. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up. He has two bottom teeth too. We had such a good time together. They were both tired by the end of the play time. Caitlin was sound asleep not even ten minutes after they left. The two mommies had fun too! We will surely do it again, right Leah? Next time at your house! We have joked since they were born that they could be girlfriend and boyfriend, even though Nate would be dating an older girl. We are enjoying this time as they will be gone before we can blink. Take some time to hug your children and tell them you love them - no matter what their age is. We never know what tomorrow holds!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Caitlin gets into the most unusual predicaments these days. I guess I could sit beside her at all times and keep her out of these things, but I just let her go (as long as she is safe of course) and see how it all turns out. This is what happened today. She also got teeth #5 and 6 today. She has been super fussy and all the teething syptoms that come along with that. Glad they've emerged. Now she will have teeth that actually meet. She's having a play date tomorrow with Nate, a little boy from our church that is two days younger than she is. We're starting out the dating scene early! I'll post pictures of their time together soon. Lee and I have both been under the weather the last few days. I'm "Lysol"ing everything in site!

She got under there and was fine....until she tried to sit up and then the tears began!