Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Supper with the Littles

David and Kim Little came over for supper tonight along with two of their children, Addie and Emily. We all enjoyed pork chops, crockpot macaroni, green beans, rolls, tea, and banana pudding. I enjoyed cooking and will enjoy leftovers tomorrow even more. Caitlin had such a good time playing with Addie and Emily. It was sweet fellowship with our dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Playdate with Nate

We had a play date today with Nate and his new little sister Josie. The big kids had a good time despite a few tears and cries from Caitlin and a few bonks on the head from Nate! They shared snacks and even toys a time or two. Leah and I had a good time catching up with each other too!

Standing on the couch, which is a no-no. Of course, she looks at me and says "sit down."
Caitlin has had a lot more breathing treatments over the last few weeks due to an asthma exacerbation. She's been on two different breathing medicines plus an antibiotic and a steroid. Thankfully, she's doing much better now and only has to do one breathing treatment a day of her regular medicine. She's a trooper wearing the mask as you can see....and enjoys it most of the time. She turns the machine on and off for us which makes her happy. We usually end of watching mickey mouse to keep her in one place, but sometimes she wanders around and runs out of tubing - which makes for a quick stop!
Wearing her glasses like Mommy does.
Sitting with Daddy during a breathing treatment.
Multi-tasking. Getting nebulizer treatment, apparently in bright sunlight, while feeding her baby with an empty Xopenex vial!