Monday, July 14, 2008

Teething troubles

I think Caitlin is teething. Hmmm... What else is there to say? She cries, cries, and cries...doesn't sleep any more...and chews everything she can get to her mouth. It has been a shock to me and Lee because we have been spoiled by our sweet daughter. She hasn't slept for the last three nights and not much napping during the day either. She cried probably two hours before lunchtime today. Although we are trying to soothe her as much as possible, she doesn't want any part of it :) She will look at you and chuckle, then go right into a scream. Some of that is probably her temper too as I don't "jump" as fast or as high as she wants me to! We are prepping up for another long night. I'm sure it will get better eventually - like I said, we have just been spoiled until this point because she has been so good. We're getting some Orajel that might help some. Just keep her in your prayers. Let the drooling continue . . . . .

1 comment:

J.A.M (Jonathan, Anna, and Michelle Norton) said...

Sorry to hear about your sleepless nights. If she's like Anna they come in spurts of about a week while she's teething and then she'll sleep again. We'll be praying for all of you!